Why Sustainability for Buildings? Download Our New User Guide and Find Out
Digital twins are driving ESG+H initiatives that help organizations achieve their goals for decarbonization, sustainability, and net zero emissions. At Digital Twin Consortium, our members have created a series of user guides to assist building owners in implementing digital twin-related capabilities throughout the decarbonization life cycle. The first user guide answers the question, why sustainability for buildings?
The user guides are a compendium to “Decarbonizing the Built World: A Call to Action,” a white paper published by the DTC’s AECO (Architecture, Engineering, Construction & Operations) Working Group. The white paper looks at ways in which twins can be leveraged to address greenhouse emissions.
The first user guide, entitled “The Why and the What of Digital Twin Building Performance and Sustainability: An Owner’s Perspective Guide,” looks at the “why” and the “what” of digital twins for sustainability of buildings:
- Why should we do this?
- What are the objectives for sustainability, efficiency, resiliency, health, risk mitigation, performance, reliability, and/or accountability?
Download the user guide here and learn why sustainability for buildings is an attainable goal.