Press Release
Object Management Group
Karen Quatromoni
[email protected]
Digital Twin Consortium Hosts Virtual Event on Oct. 13, 2021
Learn about the rapidly evolving world of digital twins
BOSTON, MA – SEPTEMBER 22, 2021 – Digital Twin Consortium® announced it will host a virtual event, “Understanding the Power of Digital Twins,” to offer companies a definitive look at the rapidly evolving world of digital twins. The event is open to the public and will run on Wednesday, October 13, 2021, from 11:00 am – 2:00 pm EDT.
The founding members and technical executives of Digital Twin Consortium will discuss:
- Design best practices and open-source models that encourage innovation, accelerate usage, and influence the requirements for standards.
- Terminology and taxonomy that provide a common language to crystallize industry goals.
- A reference library of real-world use cases that provides insight into digital twin development and implementation.
- Standards, best practices, simulations, testbeds, field trials, and prototype elements.
- Insights you will need to start on a digital twin product strategy, direction, and development.
The virtual event is open to the public. Register here to attend the event and to find out how you can bring clarity to your digital twin mission.
About Digital Twin Consortium
Digital Twin Consortium is The Authority in Digital Twin. It coalesces industry, government, and academia to drive consistency in vocabulary, architecture, security, and interoperability of digital twin technology. It advances the use of digital twin technology in many industries, from aerospace to natural resources. Digital Twin Consortium is a program of the Object Management Group (OMG). For more information, visit
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